Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Game Entry : MyBrute

What is MyBrute?

Well, it's a flash game accessed thru the internet browser, a kill-others-to-level-up game. The characters here are called "brutes" meaning a nonhuman creature; beast (Dictionary.com, 2009). Even though they call them/it "brutes", they/it does not look like one, still looks human to me. haha.

How to make a character?

First, you don't need to make an account, filling up your last name, first name and the like. You just need to go to http://mybrute.com/ and you will see that there is a text field that says "TYPE HERE". There, you will type the desired name of your brute, also, it will be the name of your site, kinda like multiply accounts, the sites are named after the username. *see image below*

So again,

Step 1: Type the desired name of your brute.

Step 2: Select the body/appearance of your brute by clicking on the dummy-like pictured button.

Step 3: Select the color of your brute by click on the colorful button.

Step 4: If you're satisfied with the way your brute looks, click Validate to register your brute and enter the world of MyBrute!!
Note: If your character doesn't get validated, then maybe the username you typed has already been taken by someone else. Just try another username. :)

Once the screen reloads and the next page comes out, you will see your brute's stats/weapons/skills/pets. This page is called the "cell". Since you just began your character, you will just have one random weapon, skill or pet.

What I got there is a weapon called "Trident". Below is the list of the Information about Weapons, Skills and Pets you might acquire when you make a new character or level-up (Info Courtesy of My Brute Wiki).

Weapons :
Skills :
Pets :

Now that you know all about the weapons, skills and pets, the next thing you must know are the ff.
  1. You can place a password for your account by clicking "click here to create a password"
  2. If you make a new character, you are given 6 fights, to fight, just click arena and select the opponent you want to battle. Sit back and relax because the fights are "automatic". I repeat.. "AUTOMATIC".
  3. As you level-up, you get a random weapon, skill or pet as stated above, so it's all about how lucky you are with your brute. :)
  4. You can join clans and/or make one if your brute's level is 10+. I'm really not sure what the clans are for, well, I think its for rankings and such? Not really sure.
  5. You can compete in tournaments with your brute by clicking on "Register Your Brute" in the cell page. You can only join tournaments once every other day. If you fought in a tournament in Day1, you will be able to fight again when Day3 comes.
  6. For more information, go to http://mybrute.wikia.com/wiki/My_Brute_Wiki
So that ends my MyBrute Entry. If you want to battle my brutes, here are links below. :)



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